kuya wrote:
tenank om mimin g bakal bantuin om mimin..
jgn pesimis gt y min..
kita harus optimis dlu..
momod bakal membantu mimin..
Salam SUPER.
yaaahhh.... kuya payah nee....
masa muncul 1 hari, ilang 3 hari...
gmn mau bantu ya...
trus yg laen jg pada kemana ya????
i really really feel like almost nobody's here...
where is every body???
where are the other mombers???
where is Emotioner's big familly???
why every body just gone like this????!!!!!
is it because that d*** final project???
hmm, of course it is...!!!
well... just finish it (as soon as possible), and come back..!!!
Shouting @ :
Kuya, Sakitperut, LS, Grudiev, mutant sesuatu, Effect, PreludeRR, lil'deline , xavixavieri, lagunarain, orang_ganteng, bom2, aiia, SeN, xjawzx, hardtoexplain, akunk, petemaravich, and the others members...!!! Please come back and be active here..!!!
fiuuh, ok...
lets calm down...
the names that i called above (u r the top 20 posters), if u have any free time, lets make this forum become more alive...
so it may increase the number of new members here.. this messsage is not just for the 20 top posters, but
for all members...
this forum needs u...